Thursday, December 30, 2010

devyn/s new hobby

devyn has decided to take up photography. although she HATES to get her own picture taken she had decided that she LOVES taking other people/s picures. she/s recently even learned how to use the zoom -- although she calls it "making you bigger" or "making you smaller" and is beginning to attempt self-pictures. (watch out val!!) she can actually take a decent picture every once in awhile.

Monday, December 27, 2010

Sunday, October 10, 2010

fall farm festival

i found this little fall farm festival. it was really a good time. we went with our friends christine and meghan. there were lots of farm-related things to do.
we rode ponies, fed the goats (and chickens, bunnies, geese, pigs, horses, and even a couple llamas), played in the little farmhouses, rode a cow-train, went on a hayride, got a bear-holding-a-heart shaped balloon from a clown, and roasted marshmallows. it was a hee-haw-great-time!!